Saturday, November 30, 2019

Memoir (ENGL) Essays - Albums, DraftGods Rainbow Manner

United States? I was about three 3 years old when I was removed from my mum's house. At the time I didn't think much of it, thought I was just staying somewhere else for a little while. Little did I know, I was actually moving to what would be the first of many foster care homes. They weren't too bad if I'm honest and at my age I didn't think of it as I still saw my siblings and parents every now and then. This all changed , however , in the early 2008 when I was told I was being adopted by my Uncle who up until that point I hadn't even met yet. On top of that I would be leaving England (my home for the past 7 years) and moving to "America" (Formally known as the United States of America). At the time I didn't know much about the country except for the fact they weren't very good at football (soccer) nor did they care much about it. I mention that because at the time the only thing I really cared about or paid payed attention to other than my family, was football. Loo king back I remember how much I didn't want to come, I remember swearing I wouldn't leave and that I would have to be dragged to the airport kicking and screaming. The ironic thing about that was when the day finally did come (June 17th 2008) and I had all my bags packed and ready to go, there wasn't any rage or "fight" in me. Instead the room (me included) were just quiet and , if i'm honest , quite sad. It's like even though none of my immediate family wanted me to leave (nor did I) we all had come to accept the circumstances. A seven and a half hour plane ride later I was walking down the terminal at (IAD) W w ashington D d ulles A a irport in near by Virginia. There I met my Grandma and another of one my uncle's. The m two along with my uncle would be my family" for the foreseeable future. I remember while driving home and looking out the window perplexed ". This was because during the months leading up to my arrival all my friends and families were filling my head up with crazy idea ' s and misrepresentations of what America would be like. I was preparing for sky scrapers and silver/glass buildings everywhere . , Instead i nstead what I saw was empty spaces and trees everywhere, the tree ratio for USA vs UK has to be like 10-1. (note: I was also 7 at the time so I had a big imagination). The empty spaces in particular really struck out to me as in England and more specifically in London (where i'm from) it is absolutely packed and almost the opposite of a state like Virginia. There was a plus , however , as the weather was much better over here than my homeland as it probably averaged 80+ degrees that summer. The biggest/hardest change that I had to deal with once coming here came right after that summer, w W hen I began attending Arcola E e lementary S s chool in Montgomery County, Maryland. When looking back at my move as a whole i've come to realize that schooling was the real change I had to deal with. Not only was I at a totally new school with new people I didn't dress or talk like anyone else at the school. I still had a pure british accent and when you combine that with the fact I was only 7 years old my voice definitely probably sounded like a little girl to all the A a merican students. To make matters worse in England all the kids wear a school uniform (Slacks/Skirt and a Dress Shirt with a Blazer or Jumper on top) so at the time I didn't have many clothes nor know how to really dress , if i'm honest. Everybody was wearing N n ike/ J j ordan shoes with jeans and t-shirts etc; while I only had football kits ( j J erseys) and

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